Monday, June 16, 2008

The Power of Her.....

Melodies of the fated,
Silently creeps- the fallen stars-
Silently weep.

At the break of dawn,
The smoke fills the air-
The peace of the night-
The darkness unseen.

The sounds of the night
Silenced by laughter-
Silent smiles-
The smell of disaster.

What if this world had never existed-
What if this all was but a dream?
The spotlight moves from person to person-
Fifteen minutes of fame- Through destruction and curses.

She blows a storm-
The air we breathe,
Through deer and faun
The elegance beneath.

Revelation calls
With trumpet and horn.
The name proclaimed-
Of our mother beloved.

Fire and sin- tagged as evil.
For what? They ask-
For pain or for pleasure?

Come tome beneath the sky,
Or I will come to earth and die-
Immortal soul destroyed by man,
The buzzing sound of her heart weeping.

Beautiful mother,
Through trees and weed-
The stars,the moon and
The waters that bleed-
The flowers that fall
Beneath our feet...
Do we stop to notice- her breath we breath?

The sounds, the sights,
The fragrance of hers,
Words to shallow to proclaim what I feel.

Honestly though what I didn't know,
Is the wrath she could cause
With just a blow.
It is me you see-
In your eyes- I AM.
But, for all you know,
I could even be her!

The trance tranquility and
Peace within- Bestowed upon us
By our blessed sin-
Life overpowered by our very greed.